Elder Parker Roberts

Elder Parker Roberts

Monday, June 23, 2014

On my way to Pablo Nogues

Me and Elder Damitz
This week was a little crazy. President Ayre called me Tuesday night and told me I am going to Pablo Nogues. Its the area right next to La Cabaña. My companion is Elder Damitz from Huntington Beach California. He is super cool. He reminds me a lot of Jimmy Carter. Its kind of funny. He is my first companion from the states.  My ward has like 40 to 50 members every week. It is really similar to La Cabaña but with not a lot of active members. Also Austin Collie served his mission here in this mission and this was one of his wards. I live with a family of members and they had a byu hat signed  by Austin collie and they told me all about him. There is a hermana in this ward that works with us every single day from like 2pm to 9pm. She is waiting for her mission call and loves helping us out. She is awesome. Saturday Argentina had another game in the world cup. The streets go empty during the games. They only scored one goal but it was super quiet and when they scored I felt like I was in the stadium. It is so crazy. The work is doing good in this area. We worked a lot with the members this week and we received quite a bit a referrals. Your summer sounds awesome. Trek sounded fun. This ward has horrible luck with trek weather. Thanks for the letters and pictures. Love you all!
My Shower!!!

The River between Argentina and Uruguay

Happy Father's Day

Happy Fathers day Dad!!!! Yesterday was a huge day here in Argentina.
It was fathers day and Argentina had there first game in the world
cup. The world cup is huge here. During the game the streets were
empty and quiet but when Argentina made a goal every one went crazy.
Every house would start screaming GOAL and then they would all light off
these fire works that just make super loud sounds. It was super fun.
And Argentina won so that's pretty good. Yesterday was stake conference
and it was really good. Elder Viñas of the seventy came and talked to
us. Something that I really liked is he said in all things we do,
without real intent, it doesn't work out for the lord. I loved that. I
love being in la cabaña! The work here is doing pretty good. We are
finding a lot of people but not a lot are progressing much. We are
working really hard with the less actives and recent converts and
finding through them and we are finding people but not a lot of them
have progressed. We are trying to get the ward more involved.
President Ayre talked in our stake conference and he talked a lot
about the members visiting people with the missionaries. President
wants that we have a member with us from 11 in the morning to 9 o
clock when we go home. Its so much better when we have members with us
so we working a lot more with the ward. Have fun at trek. Enjoy the
summer. Enjoy the weather because here its pretty dang cold at times.
I miss and love you all!

Transferred to La Cabana

Today was transfers and  I got transferred to la cabaña! Its it provincia and its super different than capital. I am with elder Martinez from Mexico! He is super cool. His older brother served his mission in Guadalajara Mexico like 10 years ago. I will miss my old area a bit but I am excited to be here. I loved being with Elder Florez! I had a blast with him. Sunday they divided my old stake. President Gonzalez and another member from the Seventy came to do it. The church was full of people! They had to put a TV in every room in the church so everyone could watch. The new Stake President is Chinese! Its kind of cool. President Gonzalez talked a lot about the Book of Mormon. He said we need to always read this book even if we don't understand it. He said we need to pay attention how we feel when we read it. 
Is school out there? I am all backwards right now. It is pretty cold here and all the members are giving us hot chocolate when we visit them. I feel like its Christmas sometimes. My new area is so different from where I have been. La Cabaña means the cabin in English. There are like two log cabins in my area also. Sometimes I feel like I am in the mountains. There are pretty much only dirt streets and and little houses every where. Every night people put little fires in front of their houses and burn there garbage or yard work stuff. I come home at night smelling like camp fire. My ward has like 70 active members. In the chapel there is only like 8 rows of benches. Its super small. There is a member here that lived in Utah for about ten years and was a member in the branch where I served in Kearns! It was super funny talking to him about that. My companion is awesome. He is from Chalco, Mexico. He doesn't have a lot of time in this area so we are working on getting to know the area and more people. I already love the area. I feel like there is a ton of potential here so I am super excited to be here. Pray that we can find families here in this la cabaña. Thanks for everything. I love you all!