Elder Parker Roberts

Elder Parker Roberts

Monday, July 29, 2013

Week 3 already!

This week was really good! I am loving it here! Spanish is still really hard but I learn a ton everyday! We have 4 investigators now and it is helping so much. I still don't know much but I can get my point across. I am still not enjoying the food. Some meals are good but for the most part its not that great. I think I have gained five to ten pounds but I am not sure because the workers here say the scale is broken. I love playing basketball here. There are some way good kids so its a blast! Every Friday night we play beach volleyball in the field and its pretty fun but I don't get any exercise. The Provo temple closed on July 1 and it opens the day I leave so for p day I have the whole day until 6pm to do what ever I want. It is nice to get a break but there is not much to do.  I have seen Patrick once and Connor a few times! I run into Jordan, Andrew schefner, and Zach Andrews almost everyday! I also see jayden every once in awhile. We just got a new branch president and he is awesome. He used to be a general authority and he is so smart. He knows so many scriptures! Clay Hardy teaches in the room right next to me so its fun to see him. I have heard nothing with my visa. Everyone in our zone that has been going to Argentina is getting reassigned except for one kid got his but he is from Australia. Make sure to pray for that! Sounds like your having an awesome summer! Have fun in yellowstone. I remember going to the Joseph play! I loved that. Hermana Christensen in my district is from is from farmington and says she kind of knows the kitchens. I love my teachers here. They are awesome! That is awesome about jimmer! I was way excited when I heard that. Well there is not much to write about. I do the exact same thing everyday. I can't believe i have already been here for three weeks. It has gone by so fast! Tell max and Ryan to write me! That's awesome that max won those games at lagoon. I didn't think those games were possible to win. I love and miss you all!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Week 2!

Happy Birthday Dad!!! 
Hope you have an awesome day!! This week was really good! I am loving it here now! Spanish is way hard but it is coming along! I love the packages! Thanks so much! We just got finished teaching our first investigator and usually they give you two investigators after your first one but they decided to give us three so we have to teach 1 or2 lessons a day for like 30 minutes! It is way hard but it is good practice! Our first lesson with our first investigator went nowhere. We were planning on getting to know him and then teaching him the first lesson but everything we told him, he just shut down. Also we still don't know very much Spanish so the whole time the investigator was laughing at us and calling us gringos! It was really hard! I love gym time but we have the worst schedule for it. I can only play basketball once maybe twice a week so I am really bummed out about that. We usually have personal physical exercise so we just run around the mtc campus- but it is at 6 in the morning so it makes me so tired! The food here is getting better. Some meals are good but others are horrible! Every Tuesday night we have a devotional in the Marriott center! It is awesome. The last two weeks we have had two general authorities and they have been really good! Its awesome seeing like three thousand missionaries walking to the Marriott center. Cars just stop and start taking pictures. It is kind of funny! I saw Tyler again a few days ago! I love seeing him! It is way fun! We do the same thing everyday so there is not much to write about but I am loving it here! I love and miss you all a ton!!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My first week in the Empty Sea!

My first week went pretty good! The first couple days were really hard and long but I am getting used to it! My companion is Elder Thurgood! He played on the Cottonwood HS tennis team and I played against him last year! He is a way funny kid! I am constantly laughing. There is only four of us in our room so its way nice! I love my Zone! They are all awesome kids. Pretty much everything is in spanish and it is super hard. We got our investigator on friday and we have had to teach him once a day except for Sunday and its all in spanish! He only speaks spanish so we have to do it all in spanish for 20 to 40 minutes. Its hard because I dont understand him and I also don't really know what I am saying but I think it is going good because we committed him to baptism yesterday! For the fourth of July we got out of class early and got to watch the movie 17 Miracles and then go watch fireworks! It was Awesome! Everyone says the food here is the best but I dont think its that great. I am already getting sick of it. I see Jordan and Porter almost everyday and I have seen Jayden once. Yesterday I saw Tyler!!! It was awesome! It was kind of weird seeing someone from my family but I was so excited to see him. I looked out my classroom and i just saw tyler kind of laughing at me. I was so happy. Basketball here is way fun!! Our zone has the worst schedule though. My gym time is usually first thing in the morning and half of the time we can't use the gym so we just run around the campus. I am starting to enjoy it a lot more now. My district is all pretty good at spanish so I am a little behind but I am doing alright. I am slowly learning it! I miss you guys a ton! I love you!!!!
Elder Parker Roberts